Thursday, December 6, 2018

Weed Tasters This Week: Black & Blue

I freaked a bit when I tried this one. 

I met this guy online. You could say it was a hook up, but we continue to hook up now, so I guess that's means we kind of date. 

So anyway, I invited him over a couple of nights ago, and he brought with him so much weed I could hardly believe it. 

He carried a backpack on his back that was loaded with mason jars wrapped in wool work socks so as not to damage them while in transit. The jars themselves were loaded with weed, I was later to learn each one a different strain.

I had some weed left from the night before but he would have none of using it, insisting only to smoke his weed and save mine. We talked and had the usual great round of hot sex. But the best was yet to come.

Towards the end of the evening he pulled out all of his jars and took out a jar labelled "Black and Blue". He reached in and took a pile out and started rolling. 

We smoked that joint and got incredibly buzzed off of it, making it not so much of the end of the evening as I thought it would be. After a great round he pulled out a scale and started weighing different weed from different bottles and putting it, with labels, into baggies that he got from his pack. 

When I asked what he was doing, he said he was getting sample packs ready for me. He left me with about 12 grams of samples. It was fantastic because I had just run out. Like the weed fairy came. 

From a weed perspective, I can honestly say that Black & Blue is worth a try. It took me away to a place for sure. I couldn't tell you what the actual THC percentage is in it, but I suspect it's rather high because it gave me a buzz that persisted for about three hours off of one shared joint. 

What a nice guy he must be to do such a thing. That, or he thinks I'm a whore and he has to pay me for our visitations. Either way, I'll take it. Free weed rocks my world. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Weed Hype - Cannabis Store vs. Independent Dispensary

So it's like this.

I have had the opportunity to sample a pretty broad spectrum of what the Cannabis Store has to offer. And I must say I have enjoyed all of that which I have partaken in. 

But now the "naysayers" of the Cannabis Store are cranking up about the amount of THC that is in the weed we are smoking from the weed store. 

Avid smoker and entertainer extraordinaire Rick Surette says that, where he shops, the weed has a much higher percentage of THC than that of the cannabis store, and he feels that the government should leave the independent dispensaries open so that seasoned smokers can still get their potent pot. 

"The weed that I'm getting from GG's in Lower Sackville is 22 percent THC. That's five percent higher than anything you can get at the weed store." said Surette. 

So just what is THC anyway? THC is responsible for the way your brain and body respond to cannabis, including the high an intoxication. When the marijuana plant falls below 3% THC, it is considered hemp, which is used for many industrial and textile purposes. 

Rick Surette says  cannabis store "sucks."

The proper name for THC is Tetrahydrocannibanol. THC is the main psychoactive ingredient of cannabis; meaning, it's what gets you high. 

As we move forward into the new world of marketing weed, it will be interesting to see if it eventually gets as aggressive as selling alcohol. Right now of course the government is making sure that packaging and what not is not attractive to young people who shouldn't be getting their hands on weed, even if it is legal. 

As far as the weak or strong argument is concerned, I would have to say the proof is in the pudding. Should I believe a street dealer that his stuff is better, or should I believe the government when they say their stuff is better. 

Well, the government stuff is legal, and the THC in their weed is proven by the government themselves. So, do I take the word of my old dealer who is trying to unload, or do I go with the new kids on the block? 

I think this deserves more investigation. At the time of this article, GG's in Lower Sackville has been shut down. Maybe the decision of where to buy will be made for us as more and more private shops get shut down. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

It's A Mess

This is my mess. I like to make a mess every day just so that I can work to clean it up the next day and inevitably mess it all up all over again. The cycle continues today with no exceptions. I don't think there is any other way out of it. At least, I can't see it anyway. 

Sometimes, if I keep typing just for the sake of it, something interesting comes out. Like a figure or a fact that leads to some kind of conversation. I can't think of any right now, but I know that's how it works. 

You know, if you're a guy and not into sports, there isn't a whole lot to talk about with your average Joe. They're not into politics or anything worthwhile.. just hockey, which sucks for me because I don't know jack shit about hockey. 

I met a guy this week who wanted me to be his on-call sex slave. Or at least that's what it amounted to in my mind. He was only available when he was available, no weekends and he had a daughter. He couldn't dedicate a Saturday to me but he sure would be late for work because of me. Sorry. Do not pass go. 

But, the very next day I ran into a guy online that I had been talking to for a long time but hadn't seen for a while. He came over and we hung out. He brought a vast collection of weed with him and left me with quite a bit. Fuck we had a good time. 

My days are now jam packed with sitting at the computer trying to find appropriate employment. I have applied to several media outlets so far this week. Hopefully I will hear something back from one of them tomorrow or next week. 

- D. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Smokin' and Relaxing.....

I was sitting at my computer last night and an email came in from my employer addressed to me telling me the rules around smoking pot at work. At first I thought, "wow are they gonna let us smoke pot at work?" but I clued in pretty quick.

But I was still paranoid because I had just smoked a joint and was high as a kite when I read it. I couldn't help myself though, I had to ask another person at work if they received the same email. And, of course, everyone had.

The point is, I was immediately paranoid that someone in the class had found out that I'm a smoker and would translate that to the others in the wrong way. Then, I thought to myself and said "NO, WAIT...POT IS LEGAL!". I felt actual relief when the thought crossed my mind. Don't know why I was so worried that someone at work knows I smoke. Just kinda freaked me out a bit.

The week was like an emotional roller coaster ride through the dark halls of mount doom. I walked through this week with the Reaper at my side, and yet, even with the weight of it, I managed to make it through.

Will next week be as good or bad or even worse? I can't tell the future. But I can tell you the weed I'm getting served by the Cannabis Store is premium stuff.  It's really getting me high and letting stress out. Don't know why it works, it just does.

The Clyde Street Cannabis Store is pretty OK. Very professional and market savvy.  I think they did everything pretty well. As far as them running out of product is concerned, I'm sure they had a pretty hard time keeping whiskey on the shelf after prohibition too. In other words, they'll learn more about the demands of customers in the coming months.

Toon Time

A work of art. 

Thanks Shell.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


They Shut Her Down: Remedy is Gone

Well the government is making one promise come true.

All the dispensaries in the city are closed. MY dispensary is closed.  Bastards.

I only found out because I was looking for a cookie from my local. I was soon to find out that wasn't going to happen. After my shear disappointment and screaming on the sidewalk, I digressed into a more civilized person.

From Remedy I pondered going to Canadian Tire, which if you know the neighborhood you'll understand it's a very short walk. I walked into the Canadian Tire store only to turn around and walk out. It was jammed in there and I wan't in the mood.

From there, I went to Shopper's Drug Mart, hoping to find a notebook or something reasonably like it to take to work on Tuesday so I have something to write on. Walked through the madhouse they call the Superstore on Quinpool and arrived at Shopper's unscathed yet bothered from the crowds.

I found what I was looking for in Shopper's. I got a 300 page notebook. That should do it for the first day.

I am so upset that Remedy is gone. It was one of the greatest conveniences of living where I live. I will miss it and the staff. I sincerely hope the government of Nova Scotia knows the standards have been set in Halifax, so they better be able to live up to them.

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